87.29%_match: Michele Zaza "Vita segreta", Date unknown
88.24%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
90.19%_match: Jaroslaw Kozlowski "from the "Recycled News" series ( Le Figaro - French newspaper)", 2008
93.09%_match: Cynthia Ann Miro "Living in Twilight", 2016
95.50%_match: Maria Morganti "Sedimentazione 2011 #21, Venezia", 2011
88.49%_match: Chul-Hyun Ahn "Untitled 1031", 2016
92.30%_match: Jean-Marie Collomb "Ouossébougou", Date unknown
95.30%_match: Peter Gronquist "Fuzzy Logic", Date unknown
82.36%_match: Claudia López-Diez "Untitled 02", 2015
84.15%_match: Wagner Malta Tavares "Ondas Curtas", 2013
93.67%_match: Michael Abrams "Chasing Radiance", 2016
86.02%_match: Louis Catat "Homme Bezanozano", 1888
93.30%_match: G.R.A.U. "Cimetière communal, Santa Severina, Catanzoro, Calabre : plan de lentrée", 1974
88.23%_match: R. B. Kitaj "Baghdad from Prints for Phoenix House", 2
95.50%_match: Daniel Tsal "Green", 2014
84.11%_match: Jonidel Mendoza "Azul Agua ", 2012
89.57%_match: Eric Orr "Ocean of Blues ", 1990
84.64%_match: Julian Jackson "#14", 2010
84.24%_match: Gustave Moreau "Feuille détudes diverses", Date unknown
83.50%_match: Hiroshi Yamazaki "Observation: The Sun- 1", 8
89.37%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
85.22%_match: Omar Hassan "Sea", 2015
94.89%_match: Tracey Emin in 2004-2011 "Meet Me In Heaven I Will Wait For You", Date unknown
81.78%_match: MAK "Blue Marilyn Triptych", 2017
92.03%_match: Betty Merken "Illumination, Green", 2016
83.11%_match: Leo Villareal "Columns 4 (4)", 2005
95.50%_match: Luciana Lamothe "Untitled", 2013
85.11%_match: Ralph Gibson "Vertical Horizon #7", 2016
83.97%_match: Michael Toole "Corridor", 2017
83.07%_match: Kate Shepherd "Pirate Jenny", 2016
80.11%_match: Jacqueline Humphries "Untitled", 2007
89.93%_match: Chul-Hyun Ahn "Untitled 1031", 2016
95.50%_match: Yuki Onodera "Look out the window n° 5", 2000
95.50%_match: David Whitaker "5 Over 8", 1970
90.41%_match: John Zurier "Setsuko", 2016
90.92%_match: KATSU "Satanic Systems Incorporated", 2017
85.57%_match: R. B. Kitaj "Baghdad from Prints for Phoenix House", 2
90.27%_match: Daniel Schubert "Untitled (shimmer series)", 2016
93.38%_match: KATSU "Satanic Systems Incorporated", 2017
81.63%_match: Pierre Luc Charles Cicéri "Drawing for Wagner's "Le Vaisseau Fantôme," Paris Opéra", 1842
87.54%_match: Claire Fontaine "Untitled (Open)", 2012
94.68%_match: Ligyung "More Light", 2012
95.50%_match: José Pedro Croft "Sem Título", 2014
90.18%_match: Sanford Wurmfeld "II-35 + B (BG C)", 1999
88.27%_match: Chul-Hyun Ahn "Untitled 1031", 2016
90.97%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
81.98%_match: Taek Sang Kim "Breathing Light - Jade Green", 2017
88.65%_match: Hiroshi Sugimoto "'Lake Superior, Cascade River'", 1995
94.79%_match: Ian White Williams "Untitled", 2016
83.90%_match: Brassaï "Graffiti", Date unknown
81.40%_match: Roland Bonaparte "Homme tenant un cheval près de constructions en bois", Date unknown
86.15%_match: Jean Painlevé "Araignée", 1929
81.27%_match: Cynthia Ann Miro "Living in Twilight", 2016
91.86%_match: Daniel Tsal "Green", 2014
87.70%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
94.85%_match: Imanol Marrodán "E.L 14 ", 2006
91.53%_match: Marie Lannoo "Tetrachromat 5", 2007
94.76%_match: Evan Trine "LANY", 2015
91.57%_match: Andy Warhol "Flash - November 22, 1963 (See F. & S. II.35)", 1968
84.29%_match: Studio Harcourt "Rita Hayworth et Ali Khan, 1949", 1949
95.50%_match: Ulrich Erben "Siria V", 2009
83.74%_match: David Drebin "I Love You I Love You I Love You", 2013
94.95%_match: Daniel Tsal "Green", 2014
81.95%_match: Edith Derdyk "Notações coreográficas", 2013
85.14%_match: James Turrell "Pieces of Light (Small Reflection Hologram Series)", 2017
82.52%_match: Wong Ping "The Unfilial Hell 忤逆地獄", 2017
91.21%_match: Louis Catat "Vallée de lOnive à Tsinjoarivo", 1888
90.61%_match: David Drebin "It's Not Me It's You", 2013
90.79%_match: Antonin Fourneau "Waterlight Graffiti", Date unknown
80.76%_match: Luuk de Haan "Reddish square", 2013
87.86%_match: Georges Révoil "La vallée du Gueldora", 1881
95.50%_match: Robyn Denny "[no title]", 1970
88.23%_match: André-Alexandre Jollet "Maladie génitale", Date unknown
88.37%_match: Ken Ikeda "Instrumental Drawing 20", 2017
80.91%_match: Ulrich Erben "Siria V", 2009
93.07%_match: Hiroshi Yamazaki "Observation: The Sun- 1", 8
95.50%_match: Tracey Emin in 2004-2011 "Meet Me In Heaven I Will Wait For You", Date unknown
94.76%_match: Mateusz Piestrak "Stream not found", 2017
81.08%_match: Ulrich Erben "Siria V", 2009
87.76%_match: Richard Serra "Weight III", 2009
90.72%_match: Shawn Kuruneru "Lotus", 2014
94.84%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
88.41%_match: HRH PR "NOLK PN", 2016
91.35%_match: Cynthia Ann Miro "Living in Twilight", 2016
81.32%_match: Roman Signer "Box", 2
90.02%_match: Michael Toole "Corridor", 2017
85.61%_match: Imanol Marrodán "E.L 14 ", 2006
88.72%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
95.50%_match: Imanol Marrodán "E.L 26", 2007
90.28%_match: Kate Shepherd "Pirate Jenny", 2016
84.28%_match: Hiroshi Sugimoto "Ionian Sea, Santa Cesarea", 1993
85.47%_match: Neil O. Lawner "Blue Reflections Fifth Avenue", Date unknown
84.23%_match: Andy Warhol "Reflected (Zeitgeist Series)", 1982
88.26%_match: Rob Zinn "Viscosity M, Sorbet", Date unknown
92.51%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
89.47%_match: Pino Pinelli in 1974-1975 "Picture B", Date unknown
95.50%_match: Ulrich Erben "Siria V", 2009
89.34%_match: Imanol Marrodán "E.L 14 ", 2006
95.50%_match: Adam Mars "1994", 2017
87.13%_match: André-Alexandre Jollet "Maladie génitale", Date unknown