88.35%_match: Alejandra Freymann "Sin título", 2015
91.42%_match: Michele Zaza "Vita segreta", Date unknown
84.04%_match: Alexander James "Sleeping Beauty", Date unknown
95.50%_match: Robyn Denny "[no title]", 1981
93.50%_match: Alfredo Jaar "Napoli, Napoli (PAKISTAN)", 2015
89.68%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
86.37%_match: Nancy Friedland "Stars, from the series Constellations", 2015
78.82%_match: Bestué-Vives "Acciones en el cuerpo Disfrazarse a oscuras Actions in the Body [Dress Up in the Dark]", 2006
95.50%_match: Maria Morganti "Sedimentazione 2011 #21, Venezia", 2011
83.23%_match: Sanford Wurmfeld "II-35 + B (BG C)", 1999