88.11%_match: Imanol Marrodán "E.L 27", 2007
89.71%_match: Olivia Steele "Your Spirit Gets Me High", 2016
84.66%_match: Grant Haffner "Mohawk Trail", 2017
80.79%_match: Marshall Jones "Until the Light Takes Us", 2017
84.36%_match: Richard Serra "Double Level III", 2013
81.25%_match: Kotaro Otsuka "Non Existence", 2017
95.50%_match: Andres Serrano "Blood", 7
88.45%_match: William Kingett "Love Affair", 2015
94.14%_match: Frank Hallam Day "Geylang Payphone, Singapore", 2017
88.44%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
84.37%_match: Jacques Villeglé "Lille", 1991
88.59%_match: Julian Jackson "#14", 2010
95.50%_match: Ellsworth Kelly "Second Curve series: Gray Variation", 1975
90.93%_match: Antonin Fourneau "Waterlight Graffiti", Date unknown
86.31%_match: Jason Shulman "The Wizard of Oz (1939)", 2016
87.47%_match: Manolo Chrétien "NYCitillusion Vertigorizon (Diptych)", Date unknown
86.94%_match: Taek Sang Kim "Breathing Light - Jade Green", 2017
87.34%_match: Kate Shepherd "Pirate Jenny", 2016
92.48%_match: Maria Morganti "Sedimentazione 2011 #21, Venezia", 2011
91.94%_match: Anish Kapoor "Green Shadow, Untitled 4", 2011
83.70%_match: Ali Chaaban "Strangers Everywhere", 2017
85.33%_match: Pierre Clémenti "A lombre de la canaille bleue", 1980
89.62%_match: Michele Zaza "Vita segreta", Date unknown
92.56%_match: Fred Sandback "Untitled", 1972
85.91%_match: Cynthia Ann Miro "Living in Twilight", 2016
94.83%_match: Mustapha Azeroual "Radiance - Serie rose #5", 2013
95.50%_match: Ellsworth Kelly "Second Curve series: Gray Variation", 1975
85.30%_match: Bruce Nauman "Raw War", 1971
89.85%_match: Paul Pagk "Untitled", 2005
85.88%_match: Claudia López-Diez "Untitled 09", 2015
93.15%_match: Marietta Patricia Leis "Moonless Balm", 2014
86.58%_match: Lauren Baker "Just Kiss Me, We Can Talk Later", Date unknown
82.35%_match: Hee-Won Kim ""Someone's candle"", 2015
84.74%_match: Tom Burrows "Achilles Bank", 2018
92.35%_match: Barnett Newman "Be I", 1970
89.54%_match: Kate Shepherd "Pirate Jenny", 2016
82.48%_match: Tracey Emin in 2004-2011 "Meet Me In Heaven I Will Wait For You", Date unknown
93.25%_match: Cynthia Ann Miro "Living in Twilight", 2016
94.51%_match: Roy Thurston "90-4", 1990
85.16%_match: Chul-Hyun Ahn "Untitled 1031", 2016
81.81%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
84.69%_match: Tomás Saraceno "View of Uyuni from Lacaille 9352", 2017
95.50%_match: Brice Marden "Grove Group I", 2
94.14%_match: José María Yturralde "Postludio (YT-07-100)", 2007
95.06%_match: Michael Toole "Corridor", 2017
86.48%_match: Waldo Balart "Módulo 2x2, 3.7.8. 80°", 1995
89.02%_match: John Baldessari "Prima Facie (Fifth State): Creative Thinker", 2007
86.79%_match: Manolo Chrétien "NYCitillusion Vertigorizon (Diptych)", Date unknown
88.49%_match: Yuki Onodera "Look out the window n° 5", 2000
86.91%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
93.54%_match: James Turrell "Pink Mist (Space Division)", 1994
88.63%_match: Antonin Fourneau "Waterlight Graffiti", Date unknown
95.50%_match: Bruno Peinado "Sans Titre, Where the Heart is...", 2016
94.86%_match: Adam Mars "1994", 2017
81.66%_match: Anne-Sarah Le Meur "Extra_terre_47", 2014
84.44%_match: Teo Hernandez "Corps aboli", 1978
87.23%_match: Zhang Liaoyuan "1080P", 2009
95.50%_match: Sol LeWitt "Untitled", 4
95.44%_match: Anish Kapoor "Green Shadow, Untitled 4", 2011
87.62%_match: Zheng Huan "Rainbow", 2014