99.50%_match: Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux "Carnet de croquis : croquis", Date unknown
99.50%_match: Ellsworth Kelly "Second Curve series: Gray Variation", 1975
99.50%_match: Roy Thurston "90-4", 1990
99.50%_match: Walid Raad "Oh God, he said, talking to a tree", 4
99.50%_match: Ellsworth Kelly "Second Curve series: Gray Variation", 1975
98.95%_match: Peter Demos "Untitled 26", 2013
98.49%_match: Franco DeFrancesca "Climate Hustle", 2014
97.98%_match: Kang Haitao 康海涛 "House 2 房子2", 2017
97.90%_match: Jean-Marc Ehanno "Rythme blanc, 1995", 1995
96.93%_match: Christian Lebrat "Liminal Minimal 1 et 2", 1977
95.81%_match: Richard Serra "Weight VI", 2013
95.64%_match: Olivia Steele "Your Spirit Gets Me High", 2016
95.64%_match: Yuki Onodera "Look out the window n° 5", 2000
95.50%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
95.50%_match: John Keane "Internal Combustion", 2007
95.50%_match: Byron Kim "Goryeo Green Glaze #1", Date unknown
95.50%_match: New Catalogue [Luke Batten & Jonathan Sadler] "Color Theory for the Economist: America's Vulnerable Economy ", 2008
95.50%_match: Cynthia Ann Miro "Living in Twilight", 2016
95.50%_match: Eric Cahan "6:46pm, Salton Sea, CA", 2013
95.50%_match: Lisa Bartleson "Sky Gradient No. 7", 2014
95.50%_match: Ulrich Erben "Siria V", 2009
95.50%_match: Ulrich Erben "Siria V", 2009
95.50%_match: Andy Warhol "Flash - November 22, 1963 (See F. & S. II.35)", 1968
95.50%_match: Ellsworth Kelly "Second Curve series: Gray Variation", 1975
95.50%_match: Mark Khaisman "Tape Noir 65 / 66", 2012
95.50%_match: Richard Serra "Weight VI", 2013
95.50%_match: Karl Benjamin "#14", 1977
95.50%_match: New Catalogue [Luke Batten & Jonathan Sadler] "Color Theory for the Economist: America's Vulnerable Economy ", 2008
95.50%_match: Roman Opalka "Opalka 1965/1 à linfini, détail 5432506-5446534", Date unknown
95.50%_match: Edouard Wolton "Cartographie des lucioles", 2015
95.50%_match: Aurelie Nemours "Sans titre V 7", 1981
95.50%_match: Ulrich Erben "Inside", 2015
95.50%_match: Guido Molinari "Quantifacateur 995", 1995
95.50%_match: Anne C. Smith "Potomac Print 4-13", 2016
95.50%_match: Roy Thurston "90-4", 1990
95.50%_match: Jordi Teixidor "Sin título", 2011
95.50%_match: Evan Trine "LANY", 2015
95.50%_match: Viktor Farro "Rope", 2017
95.50%_match: Byron Kim "Layl almadina (Halo 1)", 2015
95.50%_match: Maria Morganti "Sedimentazione 2011 #21, Venezia", 2011
95.50%_match: Gregor Hildebrandt "We Are Going Nowhere [Bright Eyes]", 2008
95.50%_match: Nick Terry "Untitled", 2013
95.50%_match: Zeke Berman "To and From", 0
95.50%_match: Michael Toole "Corridor", 2017
95.50%_match: sergio breviario "Ritardo di vetro #18", 2013
95.50%_match: Ellsworth Kelly "Second Curve series: Gray Variation", 1975
95.50%_match: Casey Cripe "Networks (1)", 2015
95.50%_match: New Catalogue [Luke Batten & Jonathan Sadler] "Color Theory for the Economist Sarkozy's Disappointing First Year ", 2008
95.50%_match: Guido Molinari "Sans Titre", 1981
95.50%_match: Yagiz Özgen "Betty", 2015