86.74%_match: Imanol Marrodán "E.L 14 ", 2006
94.91%_match: Betty Merken "Illumination, Green", 2016
95.50%_match: Cynthia Ann Miro "Living in Twilight", 2016
87.91%_match: Lirone "(GVA) Manhattan", 2017
83.29%_match: Chul-Hyun Ahn "Untitled 1031", 2016
88.03%_match: Éva Mayer "::Commandment VII.::", 2015
87.68%_match: Enrique Baeza "REALITY IS SPAM", 2013
83.05%_match: Ali Cherri "21st of june ", 2011
89.40%_match: Eric Orr "Ocean of Blues ", 1990
82.47%_match: Hiroshi Yamazaki "Observation: The Sun- 1", 8
87.93%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
93.22%_match: Dale Frank "He only took the lease thinking it might lead to something better", 2017
86.71%_match: Antonin Fourneau "Waterlight Graffiti", Date unknown
82.99%_match: Jesús Rafael Soto "Red Row", 1980