95.50%_match: Imanol Marrodán "E.L 22", 2007
81.01%_match: Cynthia Ann Miro "Living in Twilight", 2016
93.61%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
90.73%_match: Daniel Boudinet "Mur", Date unknown
87.80%_match: Eva Schlegel "Untitled (246)", 2017
79.44%_match: John Stark "Day Watch", 2015
95.50%_match: Adam Mars "1994", 2017
86.70%_match: Phillip K. Smith III in 2014-2015 "Lozenge 2", Date unknown
81.43%_match: Bestué-Vives "Acciones en el cuerpo Disfrazarse a oscuras Actions in the Body [Dress Up in the Dark]", 2006